Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of August 4
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cindy is thankful that the trash was finally picked up on her street. April’s sister had a successful hernia surgery. April is sleeping better. Ruth is thankful to be back. Edith is thankful for an unexpected blessing. Mary is thankful to be able to get all the school supplies they need. Kimi’s stomach is a little better and she has been able to do some work. Benny is doing better. It was determined that he did not have an infection. Cathy is thankful to have everyone back home. Anita got her new equipment to help with her sleep.
Keep praying for the friends and family of Chuck Small. There wil be no memorial next week. Keep praying for Kimi and Priscilla. Keep praying for Tim and the rest of the family. Cathy asks prayer for her step daughter who is trying to adopt children from Bulgaria. Keep praying for Don as his kidney function is going down. He has several appointments this week. Pray for Anita as she prepares for dialysis. Keep praying for April’s family. Pray for all of those affected by the shootings. Pray for our nation that we would have revival. That is the only thing that is going to save us.
I missed some details. Feel free to fill them in with the comments.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!