Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of December 3
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Edith praises the Lord that someone returned her checkbook after she lost it and everything was there. Tim and Cindy enjoyed last weekend together and time with family. Pam got fitted for her custom shoes. Didi is especially thankful for the help she has recieved as she looks for a new home. Kim is thankful to be doing well with her physical therapy. Lupe enjoyed getting nice cards from people who recieved the blankets she made. Brenda is thankful that her cooworker John is doing better. Richard and Barbara are living on their new land. David is excited for a coworker and her husband who feels called to preach. Ruth is just happy to be here and we are always glad to have her.
Ana is looking for work. Anita prays for Bianca and her young children. Kimi prays for her friend’s grandmother who was badly injured by a car. Her name is Margaret. Didi asks prayer for her cousins. Cindy asks prayer for friends of hers the Fletchers who have lost a family member. Lupe is going to the doctor to get test results tomorrow. Barbara asks prayer for her relationship with her mother to improve. Other family is involved. She prays for wisdom to make things right. Pam asks prayer for Rusty, relative of Chris, who needs surgery for a vascular issue. Cindy asks prayer for the grandchildren to do well in school. Debra is still fighting vertigo. Clark is in the hospital with an infection. Pam is having trouble swollowing. Lisa is home sick. Don is having some pain likely resulting from shingles. John was not ready again today. We don’t know why.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week.