Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday service of December 9
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Anita’s son is recovering well. Cathy’s grandson Brandon is out of the hospital. Cindy and her family enjoyed Christmas season related activities together. Tim continues to improve. Ruth had a good week with her health. Don and Brenda are thankful for more work. Edith enjoyed getting the first phone call from her grandson.
Priscilla was not able to be with us due to sickness. Keep her and Kimi in your prayers. keep praying for Linda. Cathy prays safe travels for her daughter Amber as she returns home. Anita asks prayer for her aunt Margaret who is doing better but is easily tired. Cindy asks prayer for the grandchildren to do well in school. Brenda reminds us to pray for her neighbor Nora due for knee surgery. Ruth begins injections in her left knee tomorrow. Kay has an infection. Pray for John B. He is not getting out of bed anymore in part due to trouble with his legs but also maybe from depression.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!