Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of February 19
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Shannon is now engaged. Cathy says the adoption is finally approved. Tim is scheduled for dental work he needs. Cindy rejoices in getting her home renovations near completion. Ruth says her sister continues to improve and is now going to church on her own.
Kelly wants to get stronger and live in another place. John is sick today. Rita is still to ill to get out. Patrice is in need of a bone marrow transplant. She could not come either. She will go into the hospital next week. She is a new visitor from Brentwood who came last week. Don’s son-in-law’s mother, Sharon has been diagnosed with cancer. Keep praying for Don’s health. He has more tests this week. Sandra asks prayer for fundraising efforts for a senior center in Terrell that needs money to fund a food bank. Lupe wants us to keep praying for her granddaughter Nancy who will have a custody hearing this week. Keep praying for Kim. Priscilla asks prayer for a friend Dian who has cancer. Priscilla is having more trouble with her eye. Debra is still fighting pain. So am I. Didi still needs a place to live.
Be an answer to prayer this week!