Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of February 6
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Debra rejoices in paying off all her bills and that we made it through the storm. Anita is thankful to have safely gotten to dialysis during the weather. Brenda said the same. Cathy enjoyed time at home. Brenda is also thankful they gave the drivers paid snow days. Lean n is thankful for progress in her reading and school. Pris enjoyed a free haircut and good conversation with a friend.
Jay had to go back to the hospital for blood clots. Keep June in your prayers. Cindy asks prayer for some friends. Pray for her family as she lost a cousin and another is ill. Kimi is having trouble getting the treatment she needs. Leann is having trouble with allergies. The family’s car is broken down. Cindy is having some pain. Pray for Anita’s aunt.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!