Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of February 7
God is good! Rejoice with us over what He has done for us and pray with us concerning these requests.
We are delighted to have Kelly back with us! Shelly is glad to have Clark back with her. Clark is doing better. Linda is excited that her sister is going to be able to come and see us in March. Richard is glad to be here. Craig praises God that his prayer from last week was answered. Kelly is rejoicing to be home! Linda will get to start PT this week. Mary thanks the Lord for her family.
Cindy’s daughter has been taken to the hospital this afternoon. Clark’s aunt has had a stroke. Shelly asks prayer for Clark’s daughter and for peace in the family. Kim is still recovering from her surgery. Brenda also prays for healing of family relationships. Shelly asks prayer that they will be able to find a place to live. Ruth asks that we keep praying for Mary Ellen. She will get word on the surgery this week. Didi fell and hurt her knee leaving church last week. John is having trouble with his foot. Pray for Karen. She wanted to come today and was not well. Keep praying for Debra. She has had some treatment but it does not seem to be helping and she is out today with another headache. Lupe is sick again. Lisa asks prayer for her daughter. Pray for Kim as she deals with a fraud issue. She was cheated and is responsible for the money. Cathy asks that we pray for a family she is just reading about that is involved with an accidental shooting. Kelly asks that we pray for the woman who kept her and for her family.
Be blessed to be a blessing!