Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of January 21
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
We are so happy to be here today. Pris’s eye surgery went well and she’ll soon have her cataracts done. Don is thankful to hav come through all of his health issues.
Brenda and Don ask prayer that they get all the paperwork straight so that they get the compensation they are supposed to. Debra’s dog needs eye surgery. April prays for housing and work opportunity. Don asks prayer for a former coworker named Mark with pancreatic cancer. Another coworker Annette has esophageal cancer. Also another former coworker James with cancer. Debra prays that DART continues to improve. Pray for Kimi. Pray for a friend of Pris whose name I missed. Pray for my family. Remember Gary. Remember Cathy’s friend Teresa. Deedee and B.J. Ask for prayer. Pray for Brenda’s mom.