Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of July 14
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth is thankful for what she can still do and that they got to see Lupe. Anita felt like she had a good appointment with the doctor last week. Dede is thankful for a place to stay. April is thankful for God’s daily provision and for what she can do. Kimi is thankful for Priscilla and for answered prayer. Pam is thankful that God has cared for her despite declining physical condition. Brenda enjoyed seeing grandchildren today and looks forward to a trip with friends. The Terrells had a good week and Tim is walking more. Priscilla feels blessed and thankful.
Cathy’s cousin Lois has been diagnosed with Cancer. Pray for the family of Cathy’s classmate who died last week of cancer. Kimi asks prayer for a friend Cindy and family who lost someone to a car accident. Kimi is having some stomach trouble. April is not feeling well. Keep praying for her family. Chuck Small passed away today. Pray for that family. Priscilla asks prayer for two friends who have recently had surgery. Also a friend Jerry asked that we pray for him. Pam asks prayer for Chris and his sister Beverly who is taking care of several family members. Keep praying for Michelle. Cindy asks prayer for her family. Brenda asks prayer for a friend Anna and another with a son having heart trouble. He is called JJ. Dede asks prayer for her family and her eyes. Cathy asks prayer for the Mullins family who have recently experienced a death. Leanne fell at work today and hurt her knee. Lupe has fallen again and is currently in a rehab center.
I did not keep up well this week so feel free to add clarification in the comments.
Be an answer to prayer this week!