Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of June 9
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
April got a good medical report and was able to reduce her medication. Teresa is thankful for the Lord’s blessing. Don reports that Barbara and Richard got their new place. Don’s health has been stable for a while. Priscilla enjoyed taking care of children last week. Cathy reports a good week overall with Ruth. Anita enjoyed time with family. Her aunt is doing better. Debra got to see a cousin she had not seen in years.
Lupe is in the hospital after a fall. She will probably have to go into rehab. April asks prayer for her health and family. Cathy prays for protection for Gary and family as they travel. Keep praying for Dede. Keep praying for Don. Barbara hurt her hand while moving. Elke is now in a nursing home and unresponsive. Pray for her and the family. Don prays for his car to keep running. Kimi is home today because of pain and swelling in her legs.
Be an answer to prayer this week.