Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 22.
This Sunday’s program was online only. We hoped to be able to collect prayer requests as we went along, but I think some people may have had trouble finding their way in. We will try to improve upon the process for next week. We did received one request from a visitor which you will see below.
Despite our circumstances, I am thankful that we are able to do as much as we can to stay connected. This would not have been possible a few years ago.
Pray for Kimi. Priscilla was trying to get her to the doctor today and encountering difficulty because of restrictions around the corona virus. Pray for all of those among us facing health challenges: Don, Linda, Ruth, Anita, Tim, and Edith. We did hear from Brenda that Shelly has an MRSA infection. Keep praying for the Potts household. Our write-in prayer request was from Jean Moore, who asks prayer for a sister Selina Clarke who needs a kidney.
Pray for our nation and our world as we face this crisis. There is a lot we don’t know, but what we do know is that many lives will be adversely affected, if not by the disease, then by the reaction to it. Pray for wisdom among our leaders. Pray for spiritual revival in our land. We needed that long before this happened. Maybe these hard times will help to redirect us.
We have all been blessed. Let us go and be a blessing this week.
Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 22. — No Comments
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