Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 25
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Edith is thankful to have avoided a house fire after a burning candle got out of control. Lupe is thankful for a good report from the doctor. Anita also got a good report. Her aunt has come home and is feeling well. Kelly is thankful for everyone in the church. Pastor David and all of us are thankful for the figts that have been given for the church. Barbara and Richard enjoyed a visit to their old church and rejoice to be here today. Brenda’s mom is doing well. Cathy rejoices that surgery for a friends mother went well. Kimi enjoyed throwing a baby shower for a friend yesterday. She is also thankful to be able to get the medical help she needs. Mrs. Fox got an apartment. Dede is thankful to be well and to be here. Lisa is thankful that Cory is getting what he needs. Ruth is thankful for her children who care for her. Debra rejoices to be here and we are glad to have her.
Richard is looking for work. Pray for Linda. Don asks prayer for a coworker Sami who lost her father last week. Kimi is having pain in her knees and ankle. Keep praying for Edward. Cathy has been feeling ill. Remember Shelly. Debra is having trouble getting the pain treatment that she needs. Leanne hurt her arm, and has an ear infection. Keep praying for Don’s health. Ruth asks that we pray for her vision. Linda G prays to get better so that she can get up on her own. Dede asks us to pray for her health.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!