Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of March 27
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Linda and I are thankful for an uneventful trip to and from the dentist office and that they did not find any serious issues. Debra is thankful to be here. Cindy is already celebrating her birthday with family. Anita got to talk to her oldest grandson and she is thankful that all of her grandchildren are doing well. I am thankful for a personal blessing from the Lord last week that just made me feel better. Ryan, whom we prayed for last week, came through surgery well and they think they got the cancer.
Pris was home hurting. Kimi is still recovering. Keep them in prayer. Remember Cathy and Benny. Cathy asks that we pray for Felix and his family. He is a relative of an acquaintance who has been declared brain dead. The family is not ready to give him up. Cindy asks for prayer for herself and her family. They’ll be traveling and she’ll be house sitting. Continue to pray for the people of Ukraine. Pray for Kay. There is not enough help at the home where she lives and sometimes they neglect to help her eat. Anita asks prayer for her cousin’s mother and stepfather, Eva and James. They are both ill. Eva has had a stroke and is in the hospital. Debra prays that her brother will keep his job.
Let the Lord show you how to be an answer to prayer this week. Be blessed to be a blessing.