Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of May 18
Linda is thankful for the good weather we had yesterday for a picnic with old friends where we may have met someone to help us complete our next project. Brenda is thankful not to have lost a cat. Nancy found her lost money order.
Pray for Don’s health. Kim is better but keep praying as she is in a lot of pain. Pam, a friend of Cathy, has asked prayer for her sister, Pat who is hospitalized after a stroke. Cathy also asks that we pray for the Family of a favorite teacher, Alan Christian, who recently passed away. Cindy asks prayer for her granddaughter’s boyfriend Austin who has a condition resulting in insufficient spinal fluid. He is just about to graduate and has had to leave school. Keep praying for Kelly. Pray for Lupe’s grandson Jesus Jr. who is joining the Navy. Pray for Dede who is not with us today because her shoulder is hurting so much. Remember also Kingston, Mary Ellen, Nancy’s friend Tommy, and the Whitmore family.
Remember this week to do what you can, and we can all at least pray for each other.