Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of November 10
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Leann passed her finals. I enjoyed the conversation I had with my driver on the way in. Don and Brenda made it safely back from their trip.
Leann asks prayer that her boyfriend’s car would be fixed. Debra’s stepfather gets out of rehab on Tuesday. She prays that he will be better. We know the greatest need. Keep praying for Kimi. Continue to pray for Brenda’s family. Leann asks prayer for her boyfriends mother Katrina with health problems. Don sees a vascular specialist on the 14th. If he gets a good report, he can have the extra port removed for dialysis. Jim has a heart checkup before thanksgiving. Brenda asks special prayer for her brother-in-law. She desires that all of her family come to know Jesus.