Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of November 11
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth praises the Lord for Cathy. Priscilla thanks the Lord that everyone was ok after the van had a blowout last week. Debra is thankful that her relationship with her mom is better. Pam is thankful that her needs are met. Leanne rejoices that she got an A in her last class. Her shoulder is going to be ok as well. Bobbie’s health is improving. She is thankful for her children. Anita got to see her grandchildren yesterday. We’re thankful to have a new student with us from DTS.
Cathy says Pat Cooper is back in the hospital. Bobbie asks prayer for things coming up this week. Keep praying for Lisa. She is sick again. Keep praying for Linda. Keep praying for Ruth. Debra has her doctor appointment this week to see about her pain suppression device. Keep praying for John. He did not look well today. Kelvin is having trouble with his feet and didn’t come today. Lupe asks continued prayer for her granddaughter. Pam asks us to pray for her and for Michelle who still needs a permanent home. Pray for Kimi. They have increased her medication and both her and Pris are really missing David as the holiday’s approach. Mary and the children are home sick. Tim was not able to have his surgery last week. Pray for the family. Anita asks continued prayer for her aunt Margaret. She is now afraid to walk because of weakness. There is no diagnosis. She has lost a lot of weight.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!