Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of November 19
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Debra had a good time with a friend on Friday. Linda is doing better. Cathy’s brother nad a safe and successful trip. Kay is recovering a bit but still needs our prayers. Cathy got a good report from her doctors.
Debra is concerned that she may not be able to get medication that she needs. Her dog is having eye problems. She is hoping to be able to go to a conference next year. Cathy asks prayer for Sue K with lung cancer. She asks prayer for a friend Judy who recently had a stroke. Remember her friend Teresa and brother Gary. Pray for Pris’s friend Debby with cancer. Keep praying for Don. Cathy asks prayer for Dianne with breast cancer. Pris is having problems with her eye. She’s having trouble with her back. Remember Kimi. Don asks prayer for a new friend at work that he hopes to minister to.
Be an answer to prayer this week. The Holy Spirit will show you how.