Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of November 22
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
It is good to have old friends back with us and to have a visitor. Kimi is thankful that she is able to be here and so are we! April rejoices to be on the way to getting her own place. Ana is praising the Lord to be out of the hospital and here with us. Anita is thankful that her treatments are going well. Ruth had a good week. Pris’s brother-in-law is out of the hospital. Shelly is back home.
Keep praying for Shelly as she recovers. April’s great niece has leukemia. Pray for Cindy’s neighbor Wanda. Pray for revival. Anita has a specialist appointment on the 28th and must pass a Covid test first. Keep praying for Debbie and Vickie, friends of Cathy battling cancer. Pray for Marilyn who lost someone to suicide.
Be an answer to prayer this week. Thank the Lord for all that He has done. We are truly blessed!