Praise and prayer requests from Sunday service of October 15
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Cathy is feeling blessed that her treatment went so well. Debra is thankful that her stepfather is taking better care of his health. Cindy enjoyed family time. I’m so thankful to see Pris and Kimi here today!
Benny’s cousin Sherlie was taken to the hospital after passing out last week. Keep praying for Cath’s friend Teresa. Cathy’s friend Marcie has learned she has lymphoma and will need to have chemo. Keep praying for Debra . Remember Kimi as they continue to try to find out what is going on with her. She is a little better. Pray for Kay. Pray for the grandson of Cindy’s friend in Arkansas in the hospital with a heart defect. He needs a transplant.Pray for BJ. Keep praying for Don.