Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of October 20
I was having some trouble last evening saving the file with my notes, and apparently it never did actually save. So, here is what I remember. Feel free to chime in with anything I missed.
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pris related a good experience she had talking to another customer while she was out shopping. Don and Brenda enjoyed time with Barbara and Richard on Saturday.
Pray for Kimi as she prepares to have her surgery. Pray for Pris’s friends Debbie and Jerry as they fight cancer. She mentioned someone else, Sharon I think, who also just learned that she has cancer. Pray for Don as he continues working through his health issues. He did say dialysis is bakc to normal. Shelly told Pris that she was planning to go to the ER due to trouble breathing. We all have our ongoing needs, so let us always lift each other up in prayer.
Love y’all.