Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of October 22
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Don is thankful for more work. Didi is thankful for the friends letting her stay with them. John is doing better.
Mary Ellen fell and broke her arm. The Terrells are still out sick. Anita’s aunt is in the hospital. Her name is Margaret. Ruth has more medical testing this week. Gary is also going in for testing. Didi asks prayer for a friend Annie with heart trouble and another friend Sandra with heart trouble. Lisa prays for Jane to get well and stay well. She has been diagnosed with asthma. Pam is still trying to get her shoes. Didi is still looking for a home. Edward is out with a sore throat. Priscilla’s niece is siffering from arthritis but praises God it is not lupus. Barbara and Richard are still looking for a house. This latest prospect didn’t work out. Keep praying for Linda. Kimi is having more trouble with her arthritis.
Remember these requests this week and be sure to thank the Lord for all that He has already done for us.