Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of October 8
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Ruth praises the Lord that she is able to be back today and feeling better. We had a great time at the fair on Wednesday. Didi is thankful for the people letting her stay with them. John got new clothes. Kimi was able to do som workout this week and that gives her hope for recovery. Cathy and Ruth enjoyed celebrating with Jerry for his 50th anniversary. Brenda got extra work yesterday. She enjoyed spending time with her daughter on Friday. Edith praises the Lord that she found something to help her sleep. Lisa received unexpected extra food.
Anita was in the hospital this weekend with trouble breathing. Pray for Linda. Jane will have some medical testing done tomorrow. Keep praying for Didi. Kim prays for the peace of the Lord to relieve anxiety. Richard asks prayer for a friend named Marilyn who lost a son last week. Richard and Barbara have found another home that they like better and it’s closer. Pray that the Lord’s will be done. Pray also for their friend Annalisa who is struglling with a difficult pregnancy. Priscilla asks that we pray for a little girl named Dallas. I didn’t get the details. Thank the Lord for His blessings and be one this week.