Praise and Prayer Requests from Sunday Service of September 25
Rejoice with us and pray with us.
Pris enjoyed celebrating her friend’s birthday last week. She is thankful to have avoided a major traffic accident. Cathy is thankful to have her prescription and for a relaxing week. Kimi is glad to be here and for progress on her health issues. Cindy had a good week. She is looking forward to spending time with family next week.
Debra is having trouble arranging to keep taking medication that is helping her. Remeber Cathy’s friend Teresa. She has upcoming doctor appointments to determine what is happening with her. Remember Rachel. Remember David, a friend of Kimi and Pris who has lost a family member. Pris has an unspoken request. Keep Kimi in prayer. Pray for Karen and William with family issues. Benny is having trouble breathing. Bobbi is still in and out of the hospital. She is home now but can’t walk. Pray for the family. Pray for Leann. Remember Don. Keep praying for Kenneth’s roommate Richie who may soon lose his mom. Pray for Kimi’s friend Lilly, currently homeless. Pray for my family. Pray for our church. Pray for Deedee.
Be an answer to prayer this week! Yes, you can do that! The Lord will guide you.