Prayer requests and praise from Sunday Service of March 5
Pray with us and rejoice with us.
Ruth asks us to pray for Joanne who has pancreatic cancer. She is Ruith’s doctor’s mother-in-law. Edith is going to have some difficult testing done this week. Her health problems are worsening. Keep praying for John. He says his leg is broken. We’re not sure but something is definitely wrong. It is wrapped and he is confined to bed. Kelly wants us to pray for her mind. Cathy asks us to pray for a friend Jerry who has cancer. Kim says Dian who we have brayed for before is scheduled for surgery this week for a brain tumor. Cathy prays for Janet undergoing chemotherapy. Keep praying for Didi. Anita is suffering complications from heart failure. Keep praying for Clarke. Pam prays to get better and walk more. Brenda asks prayer for Becky’s mother-in-law Sharon facing breast cancer. She also prays for Sandy, a member of the church they attended in the morning also facing cancer. Keep praying for Kim to get better. We rejoice that she is able to be with us today.
Linda is thankful for someone helping her move her van when someone blocked her ramp last week. Kim thanks everyone for praying for her. She’s thankful that Edward got a replacement car so he can go back to work, answering her prayers. Pam is thankful that her health is improving. Technical difficulties prevented me from capturing the last couple of praises, but I praise God for the technology that allows me to do this at all.
Be blessed to be a blessing this week!