Prayer Requests and Praise from Sunday Service of May 19
Pray with us and rejoice with us.
Larry called last week and said that he had fallen and is also suffering from an infection. Priscilla is home with chills and nausea. Bobbi has kidney stones. I didn’t catch a name if she mentioned it, but April asked prayer for a friend from another church she has been attending whose daughter has fallen ill with something that prompted the doctor to call a family meeting to occur this week. April’s sister also needs prayer for migraines and strength to care for seven grandchildren. Pray for the Terrells. Cathy asks for protection as they travel next week and Ruth stays with her son. Pray for Leann for success in her new job. Pray for Dede as she seeks direction and has lost more of her vision. Lupe asks prayer for her son as he has knee surgery and for Nancy. Mary learned this week that Travis has a heart murmur. Pray for our church as we strive to continue the ministry that god has given us. Keep praying for Don. He did say his condition seems to have stabilized. Pray for Linda.
April is thankful for another birthday. I am thankful that God has provided for us. Cindy rejoices that Tim is improving. Don is thankful to have survived another round of layoffs at work.
I don’t know anyone that isn’t having a tough time right now, but take a moment to thank the Lord this week for all that He has done. I know you’ll be in a better place for it, and God just might use you to answer a prayer!
— Pastor Larry