Sunday August 14, 2011
This week sermon is going to be found in Matthew the 15Th chapter vs 21-28. I am reading Matthew again this month and I love all the lessons in this Gospel. This story appears be out of character for Jesus. He never seemed to treat people this way before, but I think if we look closer we will see what Jesus was trying to show us in these verses. I think it is important to realize how much faith matters to God. The kind of Christian we become is not based upon how much scripture we can quote are how many good things we do for other people because I can promise you there are many people out in this world right now that may know a lot of scripture and may try to do good things in this life but they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our faith in Jesus Christ will determine where we spend eternity and nothing else. There is no other way to heaven but through him and our faith in him is what he is looking for. I hope Jesus can say to us what he said to this woman at the end of these scriptures.
Invite someone to come with you to church on Sunday and lets have another good crowd worshiping and praising God at Bartimaeus Baptist Temple . Pray for those that need our help and keeping practicing your faith in the things we say and what we do. We love you so much and can’t wait to see on Sunday.
Pastor David & Pris