Sunday February 5, 2012 “The adventures of discipleship ” Part 2
Greeting to all BBT followers. It was a traumatic weekend for our family last weekend. We received a call our youngest daughter was being rushed to the hospital as she had taken several sleeping pills. This was not something we ever dreamed of. How did this happen? What did we do wrong? What made Kim feel like she would be better off dead? These were all questions I asked as I rushed to Medical City. My wife was in Tyler taking care of her Mom and Dad when she got the news so she had a two-hour drive to ask these same questions. The truth is we never realized Kim was as depressed as she was. I think God she is now O.K. and hopes to be back home on Thursday. It showed me no one is immune to tragedy and just when you think things in your life are coming together, Satan raises his ugly head to destroy you and your love ones. Thank God our God is greater than anything Satan can do. Thinks so much for all your prayers on Sunday and through this week. I will never forget how this group of believers came together to pray for my little girl. You are so precious to my family.
The sermon this week is the same sermon I intended to do last week. The scripture is in gospel of Mark 1: 14-20. It is entitled “the adventure of discipleship.” Linda is going to begin her lessons on discipleship this week and I believe we need to understand how important it is for us as Christians to know how to be a good disciple.
Thanks again for all you did for our family this week and continue to lift Kim up in your prayers because she will be in counseling over the next few months so she can learn to feel better about herself. Cindy has been sick over the last week and she is close to developing pneumonia. She needs our prayers. Continue to pray for Chuck and Sarah and please pray for the early church. We have overcome some hurt feelings and I hope we will develop the love and respect for one another. We will see you on Sunday and keep being a good disciple by doing good things in God’s name.
Pastor David & Pris