Sunday February 7th 2010
It is so good to have the chance to talk to you again. The renovations on the Church are going well and we hope, with no unseen problems, we will be back in Church this week at our regular time. My week has not been the same since we did not meet last week, but it makes me realize how much I miss seeing you. I hope you will all be here Sunday to see the changes and get back in fellowship.
I know Linda is excited about kicking off our new adventure of reading the Bible in 90 days. I hope you will be here for the start of this challenging and exciting adventure.
When I was thinking about what lies in front of us over the next few months I thought about how the disciples must have felt when Jesus called them into his fellowship. How excited and nervous they too must have felt. I am going to be preaching from Luke 5:1-11. This is the story of Jesus call his disciples to be “Fishers of men”. We by nature love a challenge and Jesus challenge to them was life changing. I believe this new Bible study can do the same for us if we will take the challenge to heart and committ to achieving the goal set for us. It won’t be easy but it will be GREAT.
Continue to pray for those in our family that are struggling and never doubt that our God cares about us and what we care about. I will see you in the NEW BARTIMAEUS TEMPLE this week. I know this was an example of how God can move and we will be forever grateful to these dedicated and caring men who gave so much that we may see our dream become a reality. These men are God’s angels and I hope they are as blessed as we have been. Pass this blessing on and do something for somebody and you too can be an angel of God. We love you and we are excited to see you on Sunday.
Pastor David & Pris