Sunday January 11th, 2009
Hello faithful BBT members. Are you having as hard a time as I am with remembering this is 2009? I have had to go back and change many documents I have signed over the last week because I am still putting 2008. Guess the older you get the harder it is to remember. You know what they say a clear conscience is first sign of a bad memory!
Well lets remember the new commitments we have made in 2009 and I hope at the top of that list is how can I be more like Jesus everyday? As we talked about last week we have the potential inside of us to be the person God intends for us to be and that is a Child of God. What a gift from our Heavenly Father but it is a Gift that has to be nourished and used daily to be what it was meant to be.
I want to thank Don for his testimony last week and Ruth will give hers this week. I also appreciate Larry teaching Sunday School on short notice for me.
This weeks lesson is found in Matthew 4: 1-11. We are going to begin to look at the ministry of Jesus leading up to his Crucifixion and it began with his baptism and his testing in the wilderness. If we truly want to be like Jesus we need to see how he handled adversity and temptation. We face these challenges every day and we need to know how to respond to them. The sermon this week is in titled “Beyond Temptation”. If you will read these versus this week and if God shows you something, he wants you to share it with us on Sunday. There is a reason Jesus faced these temptations and there is a reason we face the temptations we do. Hopefully we can see what God wants to share with us on this and I hope there will be several of you that will share what God has given you on this leasson.
Remember to go to the Prayer Room this week and pray for the ones listed there and if you have an additional prayer request please include it. Cindy has suggested we have a Spaghetti Dinner this month and I think that is a great idea. Please get with her and see what you can do to help with it. It is set for Sunday January 18Th. I hope you have a great week. I hope your prayers are answered and your heart is full of all things God has for you. I will see you on Sunday, invite somebody to come with you. Do something good for somebody this week and I promise God will bless you for it.
Love you
Pastor David