Sunday January 22, 2012
This week Joel and Dana will be back after missing for 2 months and we are so excited to see them again. There are some great things going on in their ministry and we are looking forward to hear about them. Joel will lead us in Praise and Worship this week.
Please don’t miss the chance to be there and receive what God has for you this Sunday.
Please keep praying for our ministry and the members who make up this group of believers. We are very fortunate to have been blessed by God and we need to remember what Larry spoke to us about last week, we do not deserve what we receive but because our God Love us so much and is so merciful we receive what we could never deserve. We are a child of the King of Kings and we need to be grateful for every blessing we have because they are all gifts from God. Please plan on being in our service this week we start at 2:30 pm and it can be a life changing moment. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday. Do good things to the people you come across because that is exactly what God wants you to do. We will see you Sunday.
Pastor David & Pris