Sunday January 29, 2012 ” The adventures of discipleship”
We also celebrated Cheyenne’s 3rd birthday. She is getting so big and she is really such a sweet little girl. I hope I am around to see her grow into the young lady God created her to be.
I also was lucky enough to get to see my great grandchild who was born last Wednesday. My grandson is so excited about being a new dad and we got to bless the baby in the hospital on his birth day. Our pray is that this will help these two very young parents realize the
blessings and responsibility that lies ahead for them. They are in our prayers.
This week is the last Sunday in January and I am going to bring a message on “ The adventures of Discipleship”. The scripture verse is Mark 1: 14-20. This is the short story of the first disciples called by Jesus. It does not tell the whole story just the beginning. It shows us what Jesus expects us to do when he calls us. There is a lot to look at this week so I hope you will be in Church on Sunday ready to answer the call to be a disciple.
Please keep spreading the word of what God is doing at BBT and invite you relatives, neighbors and friends to visit with us on Sunday afternoon. Please pray for those listed in our prayer request last week and continue to pray for Lee Cagle and her family as they are trying to move on after the passing of Chuck. Pray for one another and in your prayer time take out to just tell God how grateful you are for his mercy and grace. We will see you on Sunday and spend another great Sunday at BBT.
Pastor David & Pris