Sunday January 4th 2009
Greetings faithful Friends of BBT. I home you have a terrific New Year. My prayer for this year is that we will begin to come together as a Church and we will see great things accomplished in 2009.
Looking back on 2008 it was sad to think about all the friends we lost. We can also look back and see new friends we have made over the past year. I hope in 2009 we will appreciate how short life is and appreciate what we have and the friends and family we have to share it with. Remember every day you wake up God has a new blessing just waiting for you receive and share with others.
This week’s sermon is on New Beginnings. The Scripture text is found in Gospel of John 1:10-13. As we reflect back on this past year we are bound to have regrets and would love to do things different but all we can do is go forward and learn from our mistakes. This is message for this week is not to look back at where we have been or even where we are now but to see the possibilities of where we can go. We have all been given a gift and we have a responsibility to use that gift. I hope in 2009 we reach the potential in all of us and as we look back at the end of the year there will be less regrets and more feelings of accomplishments and growth in our life. I will see you all next year and lets start out this year being more faithful in our church attendance our tithing and our commitment to be what God wants us to be. Do something good for somebody before the end of the year because you really can change a person life just by being kind to them. See you in church
Love you.
Pastor David