Sunday January 8th 2012
I am excited about getting back in the pulpit this next week and I want to share some more of what I believe God has for us in 2012. I want to talk about the “defining moments” in our lives. The scripture this week comes from Luke the 2ND chapter starting with vs. 25 through vs. 32. This is the story of a man named Simon that sees baby Jesus for the first time. He has spent his life looking for the Messiah and God had promised him he would see him before he died. What has God promised us?
There are many new resolutions we can make for this new year but only the ones we keep will benefit us. Lets not make empty promises that we can’t keep but lets also commit ourselves to the things that mean something to us. I want you to share this Sunday some resolutions that mean something to you. Remember when you say it out loud in front of others you are making your intentions known. Be brave, be bold, be accountable.
This week we will also start a chance to share how we feel about somebody in the church. If you would like to share this week call me and let me know. Keep praying for each other, think good thoughts about your fellow Christians and do good things for the people you meet. You can make a difference and never know it. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday.
Pastor David & Pris