Sunday July 18th, 2010
Well goodafternoon or goodmorning or goodevening depending on when you are reading this. I hope you are having a great day at whatever time it is. I am so excited today and I really don’t know why. It is middle of the week, it is hot outside and the aircondition in my truck is not working. My Wife is still feeling bad but I just have a feeling God is about to do something really special in my life and I can’t wait to see what it is. Have you ever felt like this? You don’t know what is coming but you know it is going to be good.
We really had a great celebration Sunday and we were honored to have Pastor Steve Bidwell preach this week. He is a fellow Bible study partner with Larry on Thursday morning and it was really great to meet him and have him worship with us. Attendance was down again this week but I am convinced that God has His anointment on this place and He will contine to bless this ministry as long as we are about his business. I need you to help me encourage those that have been out lately that we missed them and need them to be an active part of this ministry.
This week I am going to be preaching from Luke the 10Th Chapter verses 38-42. This is the story of Jesus coming to the house of Martha and Mary and the problems that arise between these two sisters. As close as they were, along with their brother Lazarus, this story shows how human we are and how out of place our priorties can become. I want you to read these verses this week and I want you to try to see things from Martha’s viewpoint. Jesus corrects her attitude in this story but lets see why she is so like many of us today. Is there a change we need to make in our priorities? When I look at how we have placed such a low priority on Worship in this country, I can’t help but believe we are in the mess we are in by our own making. When it comes to Work, Play and Worship in this society we seem to Worship our Work, Work at our Play, and Play at our Worship. What we can do to change that? We can start by being like Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from him.
I hope to see you on Sunday. Please continue to pray for those who are sick and hurting and lets get excited about what God has planned for us. Remember his dreams are bigger than our dreams and his ideas are bigger than our ideas. I have a great idea, lets go with his dreams and his ideas and see where they take us. Hopefully they will take you to Church on Sunday and we can worship the way God intended us to do so. Do good things for everyone you meet this week and God will have you drinking from your saucer.
We love you and pray that God will contine to bless you and keep you in paths of righteousness till we see each other again.
Pastor David & Pris