Sunday July 25th 2010
Last sunday at BBT we really had the chance to minister to one another. We prayed for healing of physical problems we prayed for problems in relationships and we celebrated the fact that God really cares about all of that. It was really nice to see Ruth’s Sister Mary Ellen with us as she had really been struggling with some health issues, but she really is doing much much better. We also had two visitors that were invited to Church by Larry and Linda and Glen and Sandy. I hope they enjoyed the worship service as much as I did. We also had Sandra Hart joined the church and will be baptized in near future. What a terrific addition she will make to our Family. It was a great day full of blessings and promises and it was really a great way to start the week.
This week’s message is found in Mark the 9Th Chapter Vs 38-41. Just as we talked about last week the importance of having our priorities straight, we carry on with that thought this week we we decide what good is our Faith if we are no diffrent then our next door neighbor? I want us to see that we are not just Christians in name but we are Christians by choice and we have a responsibility to make that mean something. It is not enough to just call ourselves Christians we have to act like it. Our greatest witness many times is not something we say it is how we act and how we react to the people who are watching us. And whether you realize it or not there is someone watching you to see if you really are who you say you are. This week’s sermon is going to show it is not the big things in life that will define us but the small almost forgetable things that really determine who we are. Read the scripture this week and ask yourself. We made have found Favor with the world but have we lost our Flavor?
I hope to see you on Sunday. I expect great things are going to happen so be there so you can be a part of what God is doing in this ministry. keep doing good things, pray for those that need our prayers and keep looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. We love you and cant wait to see you again.
Pastor David & Pris