Sunday July 4,2010
Greetings fellow Christians and followers of BBT. I feel like Paul writing to the church at Bartimaeus. I wonder how Paul would have loved to be able to send his letters out through a blog or email? But his letters were meant to be delivered through a personal messenger and delivered personally. There is still something exciting about having a message brought to you personally.
We had a great time last week in church and by looking at how empty the pews were most of you missed it. Larry brought a great message on “The Love of God” and I think he has several follow up messages for us over the next few months. Don did a great job leading us in our Bible study. Speaking of that, this is the last week and we will have done what we had set out to do, read the Bible in 90 Days or close to it. If you are not through don’t give up keep plugging along. I hope this will start a new challenge to have time set aside each week to read God’s word and apply it in our lives.
This weekend is the celebration of our Independence as a Country and I can not think of a better way to celebrate it than to be in our church and having the ” Senior Moments ” come and sing the patriotic songs that we all know and love. I hope you will make plans to be in Church to help us celebrate this great Country we live in. And as I mentioned earlier we will also finish our Bible Study that we started back in February. I will miss the lessons we had each Sunday afternoon but I know Pris will be able to pick up where we left off as she begins to teach Sunday School again starting on July 11Th.
I have a special prayer request from one of our trustee’s Jerry Gibson. He has asked for us to pray for some dear friends of his Liz and Mike O’Brien. IT seems Liz had to have a double mastectomy and she and Mike are still struggling with her recovery. We pray that the cancer is gone and in Jesus name we pray for a full recovery for this family. Keep praying for Mike Accidental has he is going through his Chemotherapy treatment and remember Kay as she has now been released from the rehab center but she is still in need of our prayers. I hope you will go to our prayer request section every week and pray for the prayer request we mentioned on Sunday and please call me if you have a special request you would like to have put on the prayer chain. I hope to see all of your bright and shiny faces in Church this week and let’s celebrate this country the way it was meant to be celebrated. Worshiping GOD! We love you so much and hope to see you on Sunday. May God bless you and keep you and remember to do good things just because it is the right thing to do.
Pastor David & Pris