Sunday June 28th 2009
Hello faithful members of BBT. My it seems like this year is just flying by. I hope you remember to keep that New Years resolutions to be in Church every Sunday you possible can. We miss you when you are not here. It was good to see Lupe back this week and we pray that she will have no more problems with her sinus problem. We were very honored to have Sandy as a guest last week and we thank Glen and Pam for inviting her. Glen gave his testimony last week and Priscilla brought the Sunday School leasson. I am sorry we did not get to record these this week as our recording specialist ( the guy with the recorder) Larry was out of town with his beloved vistaing her sister. We missed Mike and Cindy as well and I hope they will have recovered from their vacation with their kids by this Sunday. We owe a special thanks to Ruth for getting hats with the church name on them for all the fathers.
This week is the week for Summitt Church to come and worship with us and I am looking forward to the Praise and Worship this week and the message by pastor Joel. This would be a great week to invite someone to come to church with you. If you have not had a chance to share your testimony this year get with me or Cindy and we will schedule you in the near future.
If you have any ideas about a fellowship you would like to see us have get with me and lets see what we can do in the month of July. I want to encourage you not to let the heat get to you this summer and lets have record numbers in church every week. I know great things are going to take place if we will do our part. God is always faithful to do his. Keep up the good work and we will see you on Sunday, check the prayer requests every day and if you need someone added on to this let me know. Do something good for somebody this week and be ready to share the blessing you have received this week.
Love you
Pastor David and Pris