Sunday march 15th
Greetings faithful members of BBT I hope you are doing well and I hope you feel blessed. I certainly do! I enjoyed last week’s service and I appreciate Linda for providing the Sunday School lesson and Kim for sharing her testimony. I get inspired every week when I hear how God has blessed you and I hope you are sharing that with your family and friends. My hope is that others can look at us and see the Joy and Peace and Passion that is in our lives because we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
This week Sarah is going to share her testimony with us. We need to be praying for her as she has really been suffering from a previous incision that has become infected and will not seem to heal. She will be going to the doctor on Thursday for day surgery on this so keep her in your prayers this week. My sermon this week is called when Christians disappoint and the scripture is Acts 5:1-11. This can be a very disturbing scripture but we need to see how we disappoint each other and how we disappoint God and we can also see that when we are doing something in the name of God that is not honest or we are trying to show others how great we are, we are not just lying to them according to this scripture we are lying to God. There is a heavy price to pay for that. I know all of us have been disappointed in someone before and that someone may have even been someone who you had placed your faith in as a good upstanding Christian, but as you all know you don’t need me to tell you this, but when we put our faith in a human being we are going to be disappointed but if we have our faith where it belongs we will not be disappointed and we will not be let down. Although we don’t want to put too much faith in our brothers and sisters we do need to be able to forgive others when they do disappoint us. I think one of the most powerful and healing things we can do is to help heal broken relationships. We are instructed in scripture to go to that person that has either offended us or may have been offended by us and make things right. We don’t wait for them to come to us we go to them!! I hope you will be praying about how we can stop being a disappointment to others but how we can lead others to the saving grace that God has for each and every one that will receive it.
Keep praying for those listed in our prayer request and if you need me to get a special prayer request out during the week call me and we will call and get other people praying for it as well. This month is already half over and next month we will have several special things in April. We have got the Picnic scheduled on April 4Th Chuck Kagel and his group will be there April 5Th and Easter is the 12Th. Don’t forget about celebrating the anniversary’s and birthdays this week and Summit church will be here the 22ND and Larry will be preaching on the 29Th. We are making advances towards the renovations on the church and our goal is by September 1st to be finished but we will need your prayers to make sure we get this done right and we can afford to do all the things that need to be done. Have a great week and I will see you on Sunday remember you are truly blessed and greatly favored. do something good for somebody this week and I will see you on Sunday. We love you
Pastor David & Pris