Sunday May 13, 2018: “Welcome to Mother’s Day!”
It was a great time last week at BBT. Pris taught on Praise and Worship and what the difference was. I brought the message on the difference between the love the world has and the agape love that God wants us to have. I admit it is hard to love unconditionally but God is expecting it out of us, we need to try harder.
This Sunday it is Mother’s Day. Where would we be without our Mother’s? I know there are many people who never had the Mother-Child relationship God meant for them to have but for those of us who were fortunate to have a Christian Mother we were truly blessed! This week I want us to look at the structure God has for us to have a house that withstands the storms of life. The scripture verse for this week is Luke 6: 46-49. Jesus is talking about building our house upon a rock for our foundation not the sand. Clearly he is talking about building our lives on him as the rock as a foundation but I also want us to look at this as what better to build our homes on the rock of Christian parents. We are going to discuss the importance of our Mother’s in our lives and how our lives are effecting by the way we grew up. I hope you will join us Sunday as we salute our Moms!
Please pray for those mentioned in our prayer request last Sunday and remember to reach out to someone this week and do something good for them. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday and invite someone to join you!
We love you so much,
Pastor David & Pris