Sunday may 17th 2009
Greetings fellow members of BBT. I hope you have been counting your blessings this week. God is doing something in your life and in mine and I am so excited about what he still has in store for us. I enjoyed our time together last week celebrating Mother’s Day and I want to thank Ruth for her efforts to make it such a nice day. I enjoyed the Sunday School lesson that Sarah had for us and I enjoyed hearing the testimony from Peggy. We also were blessed to have April sing for us for the first time. I think we all had a good time at the fellowship after church and the cake and punch were very good. I always look forward to Sunday’s as I get to be with my church family.
This Sunday Linda is going to bring the Sunday School lesson as Priscilla is going down to her parents on Sunday with our son to repair some items at their house that need repairing. Ed is going to give us his testimony this week. I cant wait to hear this! The message for this week is “Friends of Jesus”. The scripture verse is John 15: 9-17. We are going to look and see who are the friends of Jesus and what do they have to offer in this friendship. We will also look at what Jesus offers us by being his friend. Friends are something you can never have too many of. But good friends are few and far between. A good friend is someone who cares about you in spite of your short comings, in spite of your mistakes. Unfortunately many people have the theory ” It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose”. I am so thankful for the good friends I have in my life and I truly want to BE a good friend to others. Hopefully this week we will see in this leasson what we need to do to be not only a friend to Jesus but a good friend to each other.
On Sunday the 24Th Summitt Church will be here again and on Sunday the 31st Larry will bring the message that week. Please continue to support this ministry and continue to invite others to visit and wordhip with us. I promise you things are beginning to happen here at BBT and you can be part of it or you can just by and watch. We want you to be part of it because God created us to be a blessing to him and to others. Remember the scripture vs for this week ” You are no longer my servant you are my friend.” Do something good for somebody this week, you can do this by just being a good friend and I will see you on Sunday. We love you
Pastor David and Pris