Sunday May 24th 2009
Greeting faithful members of BBT. I really enjoyed the service last week and was excited that April has joined our membership. Linda did a great job on the Sunday School lesson and I enjoyed Ed sharing his testimony with us. I also enjoyed meeting our guest and having the opportunity to see what Mrs Hart may be able to do to help some of our members who are needing better treatment in their home health care services.
This Sunday Joel and the members of Summitt Church will be with us for their monthly visit and I am so looking forward to our time of praise and worship on Sunday. I hope you will make every effort to attend and invite someone to come along with you for this celebration.
Remember to go into prayer room and pray for those that need our prayers and please continue to to pray for the upcoming renovations on the church. It seems every week the devil is trying to throw a new roadblock in our face but we will not be deterred we will not give up because we know that is is by our Faith in God that we will be able to complete the task that God puts before us and his grace is sufficient for us.
I hope to see you on Sunday and remember to be praying for Mike and Cindy this week as they travel to Houston for the holiday and there may be others that are traveling over the Memorial day holiday so be safe and remember to do something good for somebody this week because remember Jesus says ” no longer do I look at you as a servant but as a friend.” Love you
Pastor David & Pris