Sunday May 6, 2018 "What has love got to do with it?"
Last week was one of those rare occasions when we have a 5th Sunday. Usually when we have a 5th Sunday we will be having dinner afterwards, but since we had a dinner this month for Easter we did not. Linda brought her lesson honoring the late Barbara Bush and how important it is to leave a great legacy after you are gone. Larry brought a message about how we as Christians need to live in this world as an example of why God put us here. We want to change the world not let the world change us and we can do this by our love for one another! Both were great lessons and is exactly what the world needs to hear.
This week I want to continue talking about the love of God and see where Love comes from, what Love looks like and finally what love requires from us. I cannot think of anything I love to talk more about than love. We talk a lot about it but we do not do it many times. Love is a complicated thing because there are so many kinds of love. This week I want to make it simple and divide it into 2 categories, NEED LOVE AND GIFT LOVE. I want to show what each does and why we need to learn more about gift love. The scripture verses this week are again in the Gospel of John 15:9-17. This is Jesus telling us how much he loves us and how much we are to love each other. He wants us to experience GIFT LOVE! I hope you will make plans to join us on Sunday and invite someone to come with you!
Please continue to keep the Terrell family in your prayers every day. Tim is getting better each day but it is going to be a slow process. I am sure Cindy would love to hear from you and hearing you are praying for the family. Remember all those mention in our prayer request last week and I hope you have a blessed week. Do something good for somebody this week and we will see you on Sunday!
We love you so much
Pastor David & Pris