Sunday November 30th
We had quite a few out last week and I want you to know I missed you. I hope you are all feeling better especially with Thanksgiving coming up, you don’t want to miss out on that Turkey!
I hope you all have a terrific Holiday and I want you to remember to count your blessing over this Holiday season.
This week’s sermon is going to be in 1st Corinthians 4: 1-7. I was going to talk about the ten lepers who were healed and only 1 came back to thank Christ but i think God wants us to see what Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. These versus can be very confusing and I hope to be able to help us see what Paul was trying to get across. The Phrase I want you to ask yourself between now and Sunday is this ” WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT YOU DID NOT RECEIVE” ? I want you to think about this week.
I hope to see you this week in church as we don’t want to miss a singel opportunity to be there. Do something for yourself this week by doing something for someone else.
Love You,
Pastor David