Sunday October 30,2011
This week you have decided to honor me with a pastor appreciation day. I am very appreciative of the honor to help lead this group of disciples. I think it should be the other way around and let me show you how much I appreciate you because it is you who makes this church go. I am very fortunate to have been the son of Don Whitmore and getting the chance to be part of this ministry he started along with my mother. Bartimeaus is a family business and you are all part of that family.
This week we will have a guest speaker. Her name is Shellie Lugo and she is the new director of voluntary services at Need Him. She is going to speak to us during the preaching service so you can appreciate the fact that I am not preaching this week! Just kidding, I know how excited you are each Sunday to be in church. We will not have the Sunday school time this week as we are having a dinner after the service and it is starting to get dark really earlier so we will be done by 4:30 or 5:00. Brenda Potts has agreed to make enchiladas, my favorite, and everyone else can bring what ever they want. It will be a great time of fellowship together and I am excited about our guest speaker. Let me tell you again how honored Pris and myself are by having this special day.
Keep doing the things God has for you to do. Continue to pray for one another and find things to do to show someone you love them. Keep inviting someone to come and visit BBT and let’s not keep this secret to ourselves. BBT is GREAT place to worship! We love you and can’t wait till we see you on Sunday
Pastor David & Pris