Sunday October 5th 2009
WOW, What a great day we had last week. Pastor Sorge really blessed us with a message of hope and I know I was sorry to see him have to go. I hope we get a chance to hear him again. What a humble and devoted servant this man of God is. I hope you were one of the lucky ones that got a chance to meet him.
This week I am going to be preaching from the book of Mark again, this time chapter 9 vs 38-50. The title of the sermon is “Be at peace with one another” If we can do anything in our lifetime to make this world a better place we should be spreading the Peace of God to everyone we meet. unfortunately if we have no peace we are not going to be the examples Christ wants us to be. I know how hard it is to have peace in these troubled times but I promise you, no let me rephrase that, God promises us we can have peace not just any peace but perfect peace even in these trying times. I want to show you this week what God has shown me in these verses on what we can do, and not do, to have peace that passes all understanding and show us who we are. I hope you will be able to be at church on Sunday and bring a quest with you,
On Wendsday the 7Th we will make our annual trip to the State Fair of Texas. If you are interested in going please let me know before Sunday. We always have a great time and it is something we can do as a church to fellowship outside the walls of church. We can be witnesses to the people we see at the Fair and show them that our God is good and we have the joy of the Lord in our lives. Continue to pray for those that are hurting and if you have a prayer request please let me know and I will get the word to the other members and let us pray for you. Thanks again for all you do for this ministry and this minister. I could never tell you how privileged me and Pris feel just to be a part of this ministry. I am going to make it a point to do something good for somebody this week why not join me. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday
In God’s Love
Pastor David & Priscilla