Sunday September 12,2010
Good afternoon faithful followers of BBT. We had a great time praising God last week and we are excite about this coming week. We will be celebrating our 52ND year in ministering as Bartimaeus Baptist Temple. We will start the celebration at 10:00 am on Sunday, which is very early for us. This is the only time of the year that we meet this early. I am excited about this years Homecoming because there will be many visitors and old friends that will be worshiping with us. Pastor Jay Gibson will once again bring the message on Sunday and Pris will lead us in our Sunday School time. Don Potts will lead us in our praise and worship and I know there will be several specials on Sunday as well. After the service we will fellowship with one another in the dinning room over Baker’s Rib Barbeque. I hope you are planning to be at Church on Sunday and inviting someone to come with you. I expect this may be the best homecoming ever! Bring your camera and take Lot’s of pictures.
We really had a scare this week with the Tornado’s that hit all over the city. I hope you were safe. We were very lucky that there wasn’t many more people hurt or killed and much more property destroyed. IT is just another example that nothing is promised to us and we need to make the most out of every moment we have. Lets pray for those that were effected but the storm. Be sure to keep Mike in your prayers as well as he contends to battle his cancer. Our pray is that he will recover from this as good as new. Be sure and read the pray request from last week posted in the Prayer room and if you have a special request please call me and we will get the pray chain going.
I am excited to see you this week and I am expecting God to really do something for you and your family this week. You make sure you are passing on those good things to others. Come Sunday and be a part of our 52ND birthday and helps make this the BEST Homecoming so far. We love you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday!
Pastor David & Pris