Sunday September 28th 2009
I cant wait to meet Pastor Sorge. He will be here this week and will hold just this one service before heading back. We are expecting a big crowd so make plans to get there early. Services start at 2:30 and we will be through around 4 pm. I do not know the message he will bring but I am sure he will share his testimony with us and he will have several copies of his books available to purchase at a reduced price. I expect God is really going to bless us through his message and I hope you will do everything possible to be there Sunday. Lets make our guest feel very welcome. We owe a special thanks to Larry and Linda for inviting Pastor Sorge to our service and to Sandra who helped pay for his trip down here.
I hope you enjoyed last week’s service as much as I did. Joel really shared with us from his heart and I was encouraged and inspired to sacrifice what ever is necessary to help advance this body to where we need to be in God’s Kingdom. It is not about us as individuals but it is about what we can do as a body and though we may not be many in numbers God has never needed the odds in his favor to win victory after victory. God wants to do the miraculous and we want him to use us to perform these miracles. Please keep praying for those that are sick and lets do something GREAT this week and give God all the glory. We love you and are excited about seeing you this week.
Pastor David & Pris