The Bartimaeus Blog 2018.14
Blessings to you, family and friends. Here’s you’re weekly update.
It was good to be with you all last Sunday. I really appreciate Priscilla’s efforts to engage everyone in the Sunday school time. Since we have so little time together and we’re a small enough group it is good that we can use this time to share with and learn from each other. It does mean that sometimes we will keep the sessions off the Internet, but maybe it doesn’t have to stay that way if we come up with a way to securely link in members who would like to participate with us and can’t come.
I enjoyed sharing with you from Luke chapter 1 about the right and the wrong way to question God. I hope that it blessed you and helps you to have a Mary Christmas. This week I am going to pick up the story at the birth of John, who we know as John the Baptist in part to distinguish him from John the disciple, but primarily because baptism is what he was known for. We will begin from Zacharias’ prophecy in Luke 1:68-79 and explore the life of this unique an uniquely honored man of God.
Keep praying for those among us who are sick. Priscilla and Kimi both sounded pretty bad when I talked to them at different times this week. I appreciate how we all look out for each other here. That’s the way God’s family should be.
Love y’all! See you Sunday!