The Bartimaeus Blog 2018.15
Merry Christmas y’all! Read on for the latest on what God is doing at BBT.
I enjoyed our time together last week. I hope you did too if you were there. We sure missed having Priscilla with us though. You had to listen to a lot of me. I did try to soften the blow. 🙂 I always enjoy opening up the floor and hearing people share from their own experiences with God. I want you to come ready for that because we should all have something to offer. We didn’t get too personal, but I decided it would be better not to put it online. If you are a regular and would like the recording I will be happy to share it with you. You will find the message on John the Baptist on our podcast page.
This week will be our Christmas celebration. The gracious folks from The Heights will be back for another year with food and gifts. It would be a great time to bring someone, but if you do be sure and bring something for them if you want them to be included in the gift giving. The list of names was prepared from those who attended regularly in October.
In the interest of time we will not have a Sunday school session and I will deliver a shorter message. I know that won’t disappoint anyone. 🙂 I will read from the traditional Christmas story in Luke 2:4-14. We’ll focus on verse 14. Depending on the version you read from, it would seem to say two or three different things. What’s going on here and what’s the right answer? Mine may not satisfy you, but I can show you how to banish the question to the realm of contentious theologians and be assured of god’s peace and pleasure in you.
Keep praying for those who are sick. Priscilla said she is feeling better but still coughing a lot. Kimi is having stomach trouble on top of everything else. After church last Sunday the Terrell’s van would not start. They got it home but I don’t know if they have it fixed yet.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Let us enjoy the blessings of provision and fellowship and always remember Who it is and why it is that we celebrate. As we take this time to rejoice at His coming, let’s ask ourselves what kind of gift He might like.
Love y’all!