The Bartimaeus Blog 2018.17
Blessings to you, loved ones. I hope you have all enjoyed the Christmas holidays and got a little time to rest as well. Linda and I enjoyed seeing family on Monday and then spending a nice quiet Christmas together.
Last Sunday, Priscilla taught on the wonder of Christ’s birth and I got to share the message I had planned for the week before with a little more detail than we would have had time for the week of the party. By making Jesus Lord of our lives we can be assure of peace and good will.
It was good to have Richard and Barbara back with us. Keep Dede and especially Lisa in your prayers. Dede is ok but likely to be staying where she is for some time. Lisa’s cancer has returned and spread. I think she was to learn more details this week but I do not have an update.
This Sunday is a fifth, but we’re all partied out, so we will not have a fifth Sunday fellowship dinner. We shall feast on the Word instead as Linda brings a lesson for Sunday school and I share with you from Luke 2:41-52. This is all we have on Jesus’ life between the events surrounding His birth and the beginning of His public ministry. It’s a lot less than we might expect today about the most famous person who ever lived. But writing was a lot more work back then than it is now, so that which is preserved for us must be there for a reason. Why did Luke think it important to give us this short account of one event in Jesus’ early life? Let’s see what we can learn!
Love y’all!