The Bartimaeus Blog 2019.14
Hello loved ones. My prayer for you today is that you are blessed with divine wisdom to guide you in your daily decision making. Life is lived one decision at a time, it’s joys and disappointments largely governed by the choices we make; what to do, how to think, even how to feel. I hope one of those choices will be to join us for service this Sunday. Here’s the scoop.
It’s always a good day when we get to share a meal together, and last Sunday was one of those days. I enjoy the opportunity to sit down together with someone I don’t know that well yet and get to know them a little better. I hope we all take advantage of that. Granted, there aren’t many of us, so there’s the challenge. We have to bring in more people to get to know! 🙂
This Sunday, I want to talk about our words. Words interest me. Occasionally I’ll get a word or expression stuck in my head and I’ll start wondering where it came from. If time and means are available I may look it up. Sometimes the results are not particularly interesting. Sometimes they are a surprise.
Words matter! What we say has meaning and consequence and we are admonished by God’s word not to use our words carelessly. James tells us that the tongue sets the course of our lives. Jesus tells us that our words reveal who we are and that we will be judged by them. We will read from Matthew 12:33-37. This passage should be familiar as we have made frequent reference to it, but now we’ll spend some time considering what it says more thoroughly.
Encourage someone with your words today, and I’ll see you Sunday!
Love y’all,